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How to Build a Client Base: 5 Ways to Grow

How to Build a Client Base: 5 Ways to Grow

Building a client base is important for any business. Potential clients are potential customers, and having a larger client base means a large customer base. To build your client base, you’ll need to have strategies to do so. Keep reading to learn about 5 ways to grow your client base!

Here’s What We’ll Cover:

1. Use Social Media

2. Create an Online Presence

3. Target Your Marketing Efforts

4. Create a Relationship with Your Clients

5. Don’t Neglect the Old Ways

Key Takeaways

1. Use Social Media

Having social media and using social media are two entirely different things. Having social media means that you have accounts on various social media platforms. Using social media means using those social media channels as a way to communicate with your client base. Social platforms are a fantastic way to build your client base. All social media platforms allow for communication in some fashion. Encourage your followers to interact with your posts, or to message you.

It also helps to initiate contact using social media. Facebook bots can initiate contact with followers. You can also send surveys via messages, or share updates. Social media should be your number one way to build your client base.


2. Create an Online Presence

This is not the same as using social media, though it can include it. Creating an online presence is one of the keys to success for any small business today. An online presence does consist of having an active social media presence, but there’s more to it than that.

One strong approach to creating an online presence is through the use of search engines. Paying to have sponsored results on search engines like Google is a good way to be seen. Another way is creating content for search engines. Starting a blog for your business’s website that’s search engine optimized can help your business be seen without the dread phrase, “Sponsored Ad.”

3. Target Your Marketing Efforts

Target your marketing efforts towards your ideal client. Understanding your target audience is the best way to come up with advertising campaigns. These campaigns have the main goal of increasing your client base and generating interest in your business.

To target your marketing efforts, come up with the demographic you’re marketing your products or services to. Then, create advertising or content around their specific desires. Knowing what they want to see based on their general interests related to your business is a way to see success.

4. Create a Relationship with Your Clients

A big part of being a small business is the person behind the business. Increasing your personal relationships with your clients is a good way to show them who you are. More and more, people are turning to small businesses for their needs. By securing a positive client relationship through showing who you are as a person, you’ll typically begin to form a loyal client base.

Share success stories about your business, as well as times where you’ve fallen short. Reach out to community leaders and discuss with them ways your business can benefit the community. Create relationships with your customer base as people, not just dollar signs.

5. Don’t Neglect the Old Ways

In-person interactions are just as important as online interactions. This is especially true for small businesses. Small businesses rely on their direct communities far more than larger companies like Amazon do. Getting out and pounding the pavement can assist your business’s efforts. Going to events and handing out business cards is more effective than you’d think.

If you have the ability to, create television ads for local networks. Even better, sponsor local news segments! Get involved with your community in person as well as online. Building a loyal customer base has a lot to do with the way you interact with them. More often than not, your neighbors will be your biggest source of support.

Key Takeaways

Growth is important for any business. The most important form of growth, arguably, is the growth of your client base. Increasing your client base means more opportunities to sell your goods and services. It also means more opportunities to create relationships within your communities, both in real life and online. Understand who your potential clients are, then interact with them. Communication is the best way to grow your client base.

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